Friday, August 26, 2016

The scariest day of m'life (and, a major catch up)

July 27,2016 will forever more bring me to my knees.  It started out normal...we had a plan - going to LuLu's and mommy had an appointment and then going to LuLu's pool.  It all started fine.  We were actually on time.  Winning!  My doctor's appointment didn't exactly go as planned, and, left me in a state of depression and some kind of terrible mood that I can't even put into words.  I'd been taken back to a time I'd *almost* forgotten.  A lifetime I'll never be able to leave behind because it will always be right there in the back of my brain.  My health is fine, but, my heart will always be tender.  Female issues seem to approve of my vessel.
Anyway, I finally left and went back to my sister's house, where she'd been manning the crew.  We quickly changed and went to the pool.  We arrived maybe 15 minutes before adult swim.  5 minutes into adult swim I heard this crying and knew that it belonged to me.  He came running towards me and I went running towards him (we were maybe 20 feet away from each other).  I didn't think it sounded quite normal, but, when Marlin told me that his hand hurt, I didn't imagine there was something actually wrong.  I took his hand in mine and pulled that long sleeve rash guard up to reveal this...
I immediately lost my mind and screamed for Brooke and Molly to come help.  We had all of this stuff and just the four of us to get it - clearly, Marlin wasn't carrying anything.  I carried him, sprinting to the car, the girls and other adults running behind me with yetis, pool bags, shoes, etc.  needless to say, we all lived, but it wasn't without a village that I survived that day.  I was able to rest easy knowing that my girls were safe and happy, witnessing that my boy was getting AMAZING care at Egleston, and that Rob was only a text or call away (even though I know both of our hearts were breaking that he wasn't home with us when it happened).  The silver lining of the day was that we were close to CHOA and that he didn't need surgery to set his arm, that we have amazing parents willing and able to drop everything to come help in a time of need, for friends who take your kids still soaking wet from the pool into their home and provide dry clothes (and panties!) until they have access to their own.  Our boy was so brave, his momma was a little less brave, but, maybe I didn't cry until no one was watching.  He's healing amazing and in a few short weeks we will have a skinny arm, no cast, and a very worried momma!!
Seriously, the update will have to happen another day!  Thank the Lord that his arm was a clean break.  Thank you to everyone who helped us through those terrifying hours and days.

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