Thursday, September 6, 2012

I like to move-it move-it (well, not really, but that's funnier than moving is a total thorn in my side as a title)

Moving day is quickly approaching.  I'm at home with the movers, Molly is with my in-laws, the twins and the dogs (and the newly found kitten) are with my parents, and Rob is in Athens.  I feel like we are a dis-jointed traveling circus.  I am sleeping at a friend's house, my car is packed to the roof and front to back.  The cleaners are coming tomorrow morning to help me clean everything super shiny so we can sell this wonderful home...and our new home is having the final touches put on it to welcome us into this new chapter of our lives.

I'm exhausted.  I miss my kids desperately.  I miss my husband.  I (GASP) miss my dogs.  I'm ready to be together again.  I'm ready to take Molly to her new school and watch her make new friends.  I'm ready to organize the new house, even if it's a long, slow, arduous process.  I'm ready to introduce the kids to the awesome town where they are going to have the privilege to grow up.  I'm ready to go to a football game and have a short commute home.  I'm ready to go to the Athens botanical gardens and enjoy the beauty of nature.  I'm ready.

It's bittersweet to leave the home that we built together as a young, newly married couple.  The home where we  brought our babies home.  If walls could talk, ours would have a lot to say about the last 7 years.

But, it's so exciting to start this new journey.  We have always wanted to move back to Athens.  God has truly answered so many of our prayers with this move...and we are so blessed and thankful.  I am so excited to start this new journey with my best friend and love and our precious little family.  As always, BBB.

As Molly would say, "Au revoir, River Green.  Je t'aime.  Bonjour, Athens!"